Glen Canyon Maps

This page currently offers 24 free Glen Canyon National Recreation Area maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, detail maps, Lake Powell maps, and more. In addition to the free Glen Canyon maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Glen Canyon maps and books on Amazon.

Glen Canyon map from the park brochure

Glen Canyon Lake Powell mapHere’s the Glen Canyon National Monument map from the NPS brochure. Current as of 2025, it was last updated in 2018 and shows more accurate current Lake Powell levels than the previous edition.

Colorado River watershed mapThis beautiful Colorado River watershed map highlights the full drainage basin of the Colorado River and points out Glen Canyon National Recreation Area’s location on the Colorado Plateau.

Glen Canyon detail maps

Purchase Lake Powell map from AmazonThe maps on this page work well for very general trip planning, but they’re not going to help you for navigating on Lake Powell. For that, you’d want something like this waterproof National Geographic Trails Illustrated map, which shows Lake Powell in extra detail as well as the surrounding topography and hiking trails in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument.

Following are maps of the various developed areas of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, arranged approximately in order from south to north.

Glen Canyon Lees Ferry mapHere’s a Lees Ferry map, which is a bit downstream of the Glen Canyon Dam and is the starting point for many Grand Canyon rafting trips. This shows the campground, launch point, and trails.

Glen Canyon Colorado River camping mapThis is a Lees Ferry area camping map, showing the Colorado River campsites accessible by river travelers, located between the Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry.

Glen Canyon Page mapThis overview map of Page and Wahweap shows the busiest area of the park near the Glen Canyon Dam and Carl Hayden Visitor Center around the town of Page, AZ.

Glen Canyon Wahweap mapHere’s a detailed Wahweap map which is one of the busy marinas on Lake Powell and features a resort, campground, picnic area, rentals, and docks, and multiple launch ramps.

Glen Canyon Wahweap color mapAlternatively, this color Wahweap map looks a bit nicer although it’s probably not as good for printing since it’ll use up more ink. It also shows the layout of the marina vicinity.

Glen Canyon Lone Rock Beach mapHere’s a Lone Rock Beach map, which is a primitive campground northwest of Wahweap that is for tents only. This map shows the toilets, camping area, and showers.

Glen Canyon Antelope Point mapThe Antelope Point map includes the parking lots and launch ramps at this marina located just northeast of the town of Page. It also labels some lake features, such as the no-wake zone.

Glen Canyon Escalante mapThis is an Escalante map, which shows the road coming into the park from the west toward Hole-in-the-Rock and Escalante River access points. This is very remote Utah here!

Glen Canyon Halls Crossing Bullfrog mapHere’s a Bullfrog and Halls Crossing map, showing an overview of these two developed areas including the ferry route across Lake Powell that services the main docks in each location.

Glen Canyon Halls Crossing mapThis is a Halls Crossing map, labeling features such as the campground, boat ramps, ferry dock, stores, gas station, restrooms, showers, boat rentals, and more.

Glen Canyon Bullfrog mapThis Bullfrog Marina map shows the considerable development surrounding the marina – stores, rentals, ferry dock, campground, picnic area, visitor center, etc.

Glen Canyon Hite mapHere’s a Hite map, showing the one location a road crosses Lake Powell throughout the entirety of the park. This is the quiet end of Lake Powell, way upstream near Cataract Canyon.

Glen Canyon Hite area mapThis map of Hite focuses on the developed area, including the visitor center, shoreline camping, campground, and launch ramps. The experience here can vary tremendously upon lake level!

Glen Canyon campground map

Glen Canyon Wahweap Campground mapHere’s a Wahweap Campground map, showing the layout of the tent sites and RV loops in relation to the restrooms, amphitheater, laundry, showers, and campground store.

Rainbow Bridge maps

Rainbow Bridge mapThis is the official National Park Service Rainbow Bridge map, showing the monument’s location along Lake Powell and Glen Canyon. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Rainbow Bridge topo mapHere’s a Rainbow Bridge topo map, which zooms in to show the elevation contours. Note that the current Lake Powell level might be significantly different than what this map shows.

Lake Powell restrooms map

Lake Powell restrooms mapIt sounds strange, but the Lake Powell restrooms map is really quite helpful to locate the floating restrooms and waste dumps on the reservoir while you’re out-and-about on a small boat.

Glen Canyon geologic maps

Glen Canyon geologic map (south)This is the south Glen Canyon geologic map, focusing on the area around Glen Canyon Dam and the southernmost marinas on Lake Powell near the Utah/Arizona border

Glen Canyon geologic map (central)Here’s a central geologic map of Glen Canyon, showing the central part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, including Halls Crossing and Dangling Rope.

Glen Canyon geologic map (north)This north Glen Canyon geologic map shows Hite and the region north, including Cataract Canyon and the area bordering Canyonlands National Park around the Colorado River.

Archived Glen Canyon map

Glen Canyon mapThis is the official Glen Canyon map from before 2018, ranging from Page in the south to beyond Hite in the north. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

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