Great Falls brochure maps
This is the official Great Falls Park map, showing the visitor center, overlooks, trails, historic canals, and services. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
Here’s a printable Great Falls map, nearly identical to the one above but displayed without shading, making it easier to print at home. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
This regional Great Falls map zooms out just a bit in order to include the various area roads as well as the C&O Canal National Historical Park. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
Great Falls trail maps
Take a look at the Great Falls trail map, labeling hiking trails, horse trails, and bike trails. Trail descriptions are also provided, along with hike lengths and time estimates to complete the different routes.
The Potowmack Canal trail map provides a self-guided tour of the Potowmack Canal trail, giving you a chance to learn about the history of transportation along the Potomac River.
Potomac River maps
Here’s a Potomac River map, showing the stretch of river and C&O Canal from Great Falls Park downstream to Washington, D.C. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
This Potomac River map is compliments of the Nature Conservancy. I recognize that it’s a bit tricky to read (a little higher resolution would be nice), but this is the highest quality version I can find.
…and more!
You can find maps of the Maryland side of Great Falls on the C&O Canal Maps page.
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