White Sands map from the official brochures
Here is the official White Sands National Park map, a beautiful map with vivid color showing the park lands and dunes with the San Andres Mountains and prevailing wind and water flows.
This is a printable White Sands map, which doesn’t look as nice but is much easier for printing and just showing the park basics. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
White Sands detail maps
This Dunes Drive map shows the main road of White Sands National Park and the various points of interest and parking areas. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
The White Sands backcountry camping map shows the ten backcountry campsites you can stay in if you want to sleep out in the sand under the stars. It’s definitely an experience to remember!
White Sands lodging map

Realistic White Sands Maps
This White Sands National Park map draws the park boundaries on a beautiful overhead landscape view. Click the image to view full size map or download the PDF.
This White Sands oblique map has no labels! Instead it shows the area in its natural setting, nestled between two mountain ranges. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
White Sands regional maps
Here’s a White Sands regional map that shows the various highways you can take to arrive at White Sands from Alamogordo or Las Cruces in New Mexico or El Paso in Texas.
This is a regional camping map showing the nearby campgrounds located outside the park. You’ll find these to be a mix of private campgrounds, state parks, national forest, and BLM land.
This New Mexico national parks map shows all national park sites in New Mexico as well as the major highways and cities that are located nearby. Who knew New Mexico had so many?
White Sands geologic maps
Here’s a White Sands regional geologic map, showing a general overview of the White Sands region and San Andres Mountains; view the map below to see the individual units labeled.
This White Sands detail geologic map zooms in on the park area itself with text labels for the units. You’ll need to view the map above, however, to see the legend that explains what each rock layer is.
The White Sands dunes map labels the sand dunes types and plots them in relation to the roads and national park visitor center. Did you know there were so many types of dunes?
…and more!
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