White House Maps

This page currently offers 10 free White House maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, National Mall maps, and more. (Note that the official name for this unit of the NPS is “President’s Park.”) In addition to the free White House maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling White House maps and books on Amazon.

White House maps from the official brochures

3D White House mapHere’s the White House map from the park brochure, showing a cutout view of the lower floor rooms that are accessible to the touring public. (See maps of other rooms below.)

White House map (President's Park)This President’s Park map shows the entire grounds of the White House, just off the National Mall to the north. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Official National Mall maps

National Mall mapThis is the National Mall map from the official brochure that shows all the sites and attractions on the Mall and in surrounding DC. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

3D National Mall mapHere’s a 3D National Mall map, showing just the Mall area and White House from an oblique view with 3D buildings. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

White House lodging map

White House lodging mapIf you stay near the White House during your D.C. trip, you’ll be pretty conveniently located for sightseeing. To the right, you can open an Expedia interactive lodging map of D.C. that shows different hotel options in relation to the White House; it can be filtered by price or rating. You can also browse the top-rated D.C. hotels to compare prices, reviews, amenities, and distances from the White House.

Other White House maps

White House grounds mapHere’s a map of the White House grounds, zoomed in on the area inside the security perimeter. This area isn’t open to the general walk-up tourist public. (Map from OpenStreetMap.)

White House ground floor mapThe White House Ground Floor map shows the few public rooms on the ground floor (the rest of the rooms down here are mostly for infrastructure and staff support). (Credit to ZooFari.)

White House first floor mapThis is a White House First Floor map, showing the rooms on the main floor that serve as ceremonial and receiving rooms for guests and events. You can see these on White House tours. (Credit to ZooFari.)

White House second floor mapThe White House Second Floor map includes the large second floor of the White House that serves as the President’s family living quarters. This is closed to the general touring public. (Credit to ZooFari.)

West Wing mapHere’s a White House West Wing map, labeling the rooms of the first floor of the West Wing, where most of the action occurs around the Oval Office. (Credit to Adam Lenhardt.)

Looking for the National Mall?

If you’re visiting other sites in DC along the National Mall, you may want to check out the National Mall Maps page, focusing on the memorials and monuments along the Mall.

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