Manzanar Maps

This page currently offers 8 free Manzanar National Historic Site maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, historical maps, and more. In addition to the free Manzanar maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Manzanar maps and books on Amazon.

Manzanar map from the park brochures

Manzanar mapHere is the official Manzanar map from the brochure, showing the buildings and facilities still standing (or reconstructed) and the outlines of former buildings that are no longer present.

Manzanar tour maps

Manzanar tour mapThis 3D Manzanar driving tour map labels the points of interest that you’ll encounter along the auto tour route. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Manzanar printable tour mapHere’s a printable tour map of Manzanar, showing some of the features along the tour route that still exist today. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Manzanar historical maps

Manzanar historical mapHere’s a printable Manzanar map, showing the arrangement of buildings, gardens, schools, parks, guard towers, and fields as the internment camp appeared in 1944.

Manzanar block layout mapThis is a Manzanar block layout map, showing the typical arrangement of each of Manzanar’s blocks, including community toilets, mess halls, laundry, and recreational buildings.

Other Manzanar maps

Internment camp mapHere’s a United States internment camp map, showing the other internment camps in use during World War II along with their peak populations. You can see that several were even larger than Manzanar.

Manzanar geologic mapThe Manzanar geologic map labels all the rock types, faults, and other geologic features found nearby Manzanar National Historic Site. You can see that Manzanar was built entirely on Sierra Nevada alluvium.

…and more!

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Need more trip-planning help? Browse Amazon’s best-selling Manzanar books.