Golden Gate Maps

This page currently offers 34 free Golden Gate National Recreation Area maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, trail maps, beach maps, and more. In addition to the free Golden Gate maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Golden Gate maps and books on Amazon.

Golden Gate brochure maps

Golden Gate National Recreation Area mapHere’s a Golden Gate National Recreation Area map, zoomed out to show all the National Park Service lands around San Francisco. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Golden Gate map (north)Here’s a north Golden Gate map, focused on the park lands north of the Golden Gate Bridge, including the Marin Headlands and Muir Woods. This is labeled on the map above as “see below for detail.”

Golden Gate map (south)This is a south Golden Gate map, labeled on the top map as “see other side for detail.” This map focuses on park lands south of the Golden Gate Bridge: Lands End, Fort Mason, Crissy Field, Presidio, etc.

Golden Gate mapHere’s an older Golden Gate National Recreation Area map, flatter with fewer colors, making for easier legibility after printing. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Golden Gate detail mapHere’s a Golden Gate detail map, zooming in on the area shown on the previous map as “see other side for detail.” Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Muir Woods maps

Muir Woods is its own national park unit, but below I’ve included a few Muir Woods maps here since it’s managed by Golden Gate National Recreation Area. I also have a separate page for Muir Woods maps.

Muir Woods mapThis is the official Muir Woods map from the brochure, showing the trails from the visitor center to the Cathedral Grove and Bohemian Grove. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Muir Woods trail mapHere is a Muir Woods trail map that shows the hiking trails within Muir Woods National Monument as well as the surrounding area. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Muir Woods trail and topo mapThis Muir Woods trail map is full color and shows topographic lines for the entire region, including Muir Woods and Mount Tamalpais. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Alcatraz maps

Similarly, Alcatraz is its own national park unit, but below I’ve included two Alcatraz maps here since it’s also managed by Golden Gate National Recreation Area. You can also check out the Alcatraz maps page which includes several more historical maps of the prison.

Alcatraz mapHere is the official Alcatraz map from the brochure, labeling the points of interest and showing the location of where to begin the cellhouse audio tour and other visitor facilities.

Alcatraz Island mapThis is an overhead Alcatraz Island map, showing the island from a top-down view including the route from the ferry dock to the cellhouse and lighthouse on top of the island.

Marin Headlands maps

Marin Headlands mapThis Marin Headlands map shows the park lands immediately north of the Golden Gate Bridge – Fort Baker, Rodeo Beach, Point Bonita, and various campgrounds, visitor centers, and picnic areas.

Marin Headlands detail mapThe Marin Headlands detail map zooms in on the west part of the previous map to the area around Rodeo Beach, the Nike Missile Site, Marin Headlands Visitor Center, and Point Bonita Lighthouse.

Fort Baker mapHere’s a Fort Baker map, zooming in on the eastern section of the Marin Headlands map to show the the fort nestled in between U.S. 101 and Horseshoe Cove, just south of Sausalito.

Fort Baker walking tour mapThis Fort Baker walking tour map shows the route of the cell phone audio walking tour, numbering the stop locations. The tour takes about three hours, but you can call in and virtually take it from anywhere!

Fort Baker accessible walking tour mapThe Fort Baker accessible walking tour map provides an alternate self-guided tour that is suitable for wheelchairs and those with mobility issues. This one should take about one hour.

Lands End maps

Lands End mapHere’s a Lands End map, showing the northwest coast of San Francisco ranging from Ocean Beach to China Beach. Many trails are marked on this map, including those that are ADA accessible.

Lands End grayscale mapThe black-and-white Lands End map zooms out a bit further than the map above, showing the Coastal Trail all the way to the Presidio. Visitor services such as parking, food, and visitor centers are also shown.

Lands End detail mapThis Lands End detail map zooms in on the far northwest corner of Lands End, showing Point Lobos, the Sutro Bath ruins, the Cliff House, and the north end of Ocean Beach. (Note that north is to the right.)

Presidio and Fort Mason maps

Fort Mason mapThis Fort Mason map shows visitor services like parking, restrooms, picnic areas, and bus stops. It also details a historic area walk and wheelchair-accessible trail.

Crissy Field mapThis Crissy Field map covers the area from the Golden Gate Bridge on the west to Fort Mason to the east, centered on the tidal marsh and historic airfield. Parking and visitor services are labeled.

Presidio mapHere’s a Presidio map, labeling the walking paths, hiking trails, viewpoints, picnic areas, and other services. One interesting feature is that this map shows the dates of construction for Presidio buildings.

Presidio map (grayscale)The black-and-white Presidio map is virtually identical to the color map above. The key difference is that because it’s in grayscale, it’ll print a bit nicer if you only have a black-and-white printer.

Presidio vegetation mapThis is a Presidio vegetation map, showing the types of ground cover found in the Presidio today. Also fun: it shows the former plant communities that covered this area before the Presidio was built.

Golden Gate beach maps

Stinson Beach mapThe Stinson Beach map shows this beach way up north, beyond the Marin Headlands and Mount Tamalpais State Park. Hike here from Muir Woods on the Dipsea Trail for beautiful views of coastal California.

Muir Beach mapHere’s a Muir Beach map, located between the Marin Headlands and Mount Tam. The map shows the nearby trails and overlooks, labeling picnic areas, parking lots, and other services.

Southern Golden Gate maps

Milagra Ridge trail mapThe Milagra Ridge trail map includes the former launch sites of Nike missiles as well as parking, restrooms, and trails. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Sweeney Ridge mapThe Sweeney Ridge trail map zooms in on Sweeney Ridge and the surrounding landscape south of San Francisco. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Mori Point mapHere’s a Mori Point trail map showing additional detail of the trails near Mori Point, including topographic lines. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Rancho Corral de Tierra mapThis is a Rancho Corral de Tierra map, showing the newest lands of Golden Gate National Recreation Area south of San Francisco. These new lands are undeveloped and have no visitor services.

Phleger Estate trail mapThe Phleger Estate trail map shows the southernmost lands of the park nearby San Mateo and Palo Alto. The trails are most commonly accessed through Huddart County Park.

Golden Gate geologic maps

San Francisco geologic mapThis San Francisco geologic map shows the rock types of the park lands in Golden Gate as well as the rest of San Francisco. A legend here shows the rock types you’ll find on each of these three maps.

Marin County geologic mapHere’s a Marin County geologic map that focuses on the park lands and surrounding area north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County. You’ll also see Point Reyes National Seashore included as well.

Marin Headlands geologic mapThe Marin Headlands geologic map focuses only on the land immediately north of the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s also shown as an inset in the map above, but I’ve cropped it down in case this is all you want.

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