Alcratraz map from the park brochures
Here is the official Alcatraz map from the brochure, labeling the points of interest and showing the location of where to begin the cellhouse audio tour and other visitor facilities.
This is an overhead Alcatraz Island map, showing the island from a top-down view including the route from the ferry dock to the cellhouse and lighthouse on top of the island.
Alcatraz cellhouse map
Here’s an Alcatraz cellhouse map, focusing on cellblocks A-D and labeling other features such as the mess hall, kitchen, library, visiting room, and other prison features.
Historical Alcatraz maps
Here’s an 1867 map of Alcatraz Island. You can see in this era, it wasn’t yet a prison but a military fort. The defensive barracks shown in the center would later become the citadel and first prison.
The 1910 Alcatraz Island plans map is a little hard to read but includes a legend that labels the various proposed buildings to be built. Note how these facility plans preview the current island layout.
This 1910 Alcatraz prison map shows the proposed interior of the main prison building as Colonel Taylor envisioned it. You’ll see that the actual prison was built pretty closely to these plans.
The 1977 Alcatraz map portrays Alcatraz Island as it was in 1977 after it was decommissioned as a prison. Compare the “ruins” on this map with the buildings found on the ones above!
San Francisco lodging map

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