Dry Tortugas Maps

This page currently offers 9 free Dry Tortugas National Park maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, nautical charts, and more. In addition to the free Dry Tortugas maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Dry Tortugas maps and books on Amazon.

Dry Tortugas map from the official brochures

Dry Tortugas mapThis is the official Dry Tortugas map that shows all the islands in the park, and contains an inset on Fort Jefferson and Garden Key. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Dry Tortugas National Park mapThis is the inset map of Dry Tortugas, which zooms in on the area around Fort Jefferson and Garden Key (from the map above). It also shows Bush Key, navigation aids, and good snorkeling.

The full park map is also available as a high-quality art poster print from the NPMaps store.

Detailed Dry Tortugas maps

Dry Tortugas campground mapHere’s a Dry Tortugas campground map, showing the camping area on Garden Key in relation to Fort Jefferson, the dock, snorkeling and swimming beaches, and other sites.

Dry Tortugas fishing mapThis is a fishing map of Dry Tortugas, showing the five fishing areas on Garden Key located on and around the dock and nearby beaches. A text explanation clarifies the boundaries of the fishing areas.

Dry Tortugas shipwreck mapThis is a Dry Tortugas shipwreck map, showing the Brick wreck of Bird Key Harbor, located near good snorkeling areas southwest of Fort Jefferson and Garden Key.

Dry Tortugas nautical chart

Dry Tortugas nautical chartHere is a nautical Dry Tortugas National Park map provided by NOAA, featuring ocean depths all across the national park. This chart is only available as a PDF download.

Dry Tortugas topographic and benthic maps

Dry Tortugas topo mapThe Dry Tortugas topo map is admittedly is a strange one. Have you ever seen a topo map with so much blue and so few contour lines? That’s what happens when your entire park is right at sea level.

Dry Tortugas benthic mapHere’s a Dry Tortugas benthic map, showing the makeup of the seabed through Dry Tortugas National Park – reefs, sediments, and so on. Another great looking map!

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Need more planning help? Browse Amazon’s best-selling Dry Tortugas maps and guidebooks.