Virgin Islands Maps

This page currently offers 11 free Virgin Islands National Park maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, island maps, geologic maps, and more. In addition to the free Virgin Islands maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Virgin Islands maps and books on Amazon.

Virgin Islands map from the park brochures

Virgin Islands mapThis is the official map of Virgin Islands National Park, including Trunk Bay, Cinnamon Bay, and other locations on St. John. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Virgin Islands regional mapThis is a regional map of the Virgin Islands, showing the national park locations on the various Virgin Islands. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Virgin Islands trail map

Purchase trail map from AmazonIf you’re going to be spending a decent amount of time on St. John, you’re going to want the National Geographic Trails Illustrated map. It shows everything in much more detail than any free map, including topographic lines, hiking trails, beaches, and buoys. Since it has lots of detail for both the ocean and hiking trails, it makes for a good combo map that should suit you no matter how you spend your visit.

Full-color Virgin Islands maps

Virgin Islands St John mapThis detail map of St. John shows the sights in the main park brochure map in much more detail including coral reefs, bays, islands, and other shoreline features.

Virgin Islands St Thomas mapThis is a map of St. Thomas, showing the roads, ferry routes to St. John, tourist attractions, wildlife refuges, points of interest, and islands on and around St. Thomas.

Virgin Islands St Croix mapThis is a map of St. Croix, showing Salt River Bay, Christiansted, towns, roads, reefs, bays, wildlife refuges, and the location of Buck Island Reef National Monument.

Virgin Islands Buck Island mapThis is a map of Buck Island Reef National Monument, located just off St. Croix. It shows the island’s trails, reefs, moorings, and various navigation aids such as buoys and regulatory markers.

Virgin Islands context mapHere is a context map of the Virgin Islands, showing where they are in relation to Puerto Rico, the United States, South America, and the rest of the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Virgin Islands lodging map

Virgin Islands lodging mapFor visiting Virgin Islands National Park, you’ll want to base yourself on St. John, where the park is located (rather than St. Thomas). To the right is a interactive lodging map centered on St. John; you can zoom in to compare locations of various hotels and resorts. Or start by browsing’s top-rated St. John lodging so you can compare guest reviews, prices, photos, location, and amenities.

Virgin Islands geologic maps

Virgin Islands geologic mapThe Virgin Islands geologic map zooms in on St. John, showing the rock layers and geology inside the national park boundary and also in the surrounding area and nearby islands.

St. Croix geologic mapThis St. Croix geologic map highlights the rock layers, folds, and fault lines on St. Croix as well as Buck Island, marking the boundaries of the various national park units.

Virgin Islands St. Croix benthic mapThis St. Croix benthic map shows the shallow ocean bottom physical features, including coral reefs, vegetation (mangroves, seagrasses, etc.), and hardbottom.

…and more!

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Need more help? Browse Amazon’s best-selling Virgin Islands maps and guidebooks.