New River Gorge brochure maps
Here’s the official New River Gorge map, including the park lands as well as surrounding state parks and protected areas. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
New River Gorge scenic drive maps
This is a New River Gorge scenic drive map displays several possible scenic drives nearby the New River for you to choose from, including text descriptions, mileages, and estimating drive times.
The Fayette Station tour map shows this auto tour route that starts from the Canyon Rim Visitor Center, labeling exhibits along the way. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
New River Gorge trail maps

This is an overview map of New River Gorge trails, providing context showing where each of the maps below are located in and around the park. It’s a map of the maps, effectively!
The Lansing and Fayetteville trail map shows the very popular area of the New River Gorge and labels a number of trail options. Here’s where you can see the New River Gorge Bridge – don’t miss it!
This Arrowhead trail map shows the part of the park especially popular with mountain bikers. Included are descriptions of each of the four major loops, with difficulty levels and distance.
Here’s a colorful Arrowhead trail map, which I feel is a bit easier to distinguish each of the major loops described in the map above. Distances between each trail intersection are included.
The Nuttallburg trail map labels seven trails in this area, most of them located along the New River at the former Nuttallburg town and mine site. These are some great trails for history!
This is a Thurmond, Stone Cliff & Cunard trail map, moving a bit further south (upstream) along the New River from the maps above. Six trails are described in the provided hiking table.
Here is a Grandview trail map, showing several trails that are among the best in the park. The name is accurate: you get very grand views of the New River Gorge from this popular hiking destination.
The Glade Creek trail map shows a few hiking options along and around Glade Creek. This is a good spot to explore if you want to explore along the creek and few a number of waterfalls.
Here’s a Brooks and Sandstone trail map, focusing on a few trails on both sides of the New River in the southern region of the park. These are mostly pretty short hikes, but a couple are strenuous.
Various New River Gorge maps
The New River Gorge paddling map provides a very general overview of the New River. A number of rapids are labeled, along with their class, and other features of interest to paddlers.
Here’s a New River Gorge river map, highlighting access routes to the New River and labeling named rapids. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.
This is a New River Gorge climbing map, showing the points of interest to rock climbers in the bridge area (around the Canyon Rim Visitor Center). This isn’t like climbing out west, but it’ll do in a pinch!
…and more!
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