Boston Harbor Islands Maps

This page currently offers 8 free Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, island maps, nautical charts, and more. In addition to the free Boston Harbor Islands maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Boston Harbor Islands maps and books on Amazon.

Boston Harbor map from the park brochures

Boston Harbor mapHere is the official Boston Harbor Islands map from the park brochure, showing the lighthouses, docks, and visitor centers on the various islands in Boston Harbor that make up the park.

Boston Harbor Island maps

Boston Harbor Islands map - Georges IslandThis is a Georges Island map, showing details of Fort Warren and the surrounding facilities and landscape such as the pier, intertidal zone, sea walls, shade shelters, and so on.

Boston Harbor Islands map - Peddocks IslandHere’s the Peddocks Island map, which has Fort Andrews, the visitor contact station, chapel, marsh, and the summer cottages strewn about this narrow island.

Boston Harbor Islands map - Thompson IslandThis Thompson Island map shows the Outward Bound Education Center along with the trails, vegetation, and ecosystems on the island. Thompson Island has a relatively large intertidal zone.

Boston Harbor Islands map - Lovells IslandHere’s a Lovells Island map, showing beaches, campsites, piers, trees, salt marsh, batteries, and Fort Standish, including the various batteries: Williams, Whipple, Burbeck-Morris, Vincent, Terrill.

Boston Harbor Islands map - Bumpkin IslandThe Bumpkin Island map labels the campsites, trails, ranger facility, pier, and landscape on this small primitive island. It also labels the intertidal zone which may or may be underwater on your visit.

Boston Harbor Islands topo map

Purchase Boston Harbor map from AmazonIf you want one single map to cover the entire park and to have enough detail for all your hiking, camping, and navigation, you should go with the National Geographic Trails Illustrated map. This is consistently the best map series for visiting national parks, especially for those who plan to get out of the car. And at a park like Boston Harbor, yep, you’ll be leaving the car! This single map is one-size-fits-all and will have everything you need.

Boston Harbor nautical chart

Boston Harbor nautical chartThe Boston Harbor nautical chart from NOAA is the only map here that can be used for boat navigation since it shows harbor depths. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

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