Tallgrass Prairie Maps

This page currently offers 8 free Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, trail maps, and more. In addition to the free Tallgrass Prairie maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Kansas maps and books on Amazon.

Tallgrass Prairie brochure maps

Tallgrass Prairie mapThis is the official Tallgrass Prairie map, showing the different roads, services, and trails throughout the park. See the maps below to zoom in on the various loop trails and the visitor center area.

Tallgrass Prairie regional mapThe Tallgrass Prairie regional map zooms out to show the park’s location in Kansas, southwest of Topeka and northeast of Wichita. Interstate highways as well as state routes are displayed.

Tallgrass Prairie trail maps

Tallgrass Prairie trail mapThis Tallgrass Prairie trail map labels a variety of loop hikes along with their distances. It also shows the major trailheads used to access each of the routes, on and off the Flint Hills National Scenic Byway.

Tallgrass Prairie Fox Creek trail mapHere’s a Fox Creek trail map, overlaying the trail route over a satellite photo, showing the forest that the trail follows alongside. You can also see the Bottomland Trail on the southern edge of the map.

Tallgrass Prairie Bottomland trail mapThe Bottomland trail map zooms in on this three-quarters of a mile loop, identifying the locations of benches, wayside exhibits, restrooms, and parking in relation to the Flint Hills National Scenic Byway.

Spring Hill Ranch and Southwind Nature Trail mapHere’s a Spring Hill Ranch map that also includes the Southwind Nature Trail. This map is a little bit confusing; note that north is to the right, and the left and right halves are on different scales.

Southwind Nature Trail audio tour mapThis is a Southwind Nature Trail audio tour map, showing the trail route labeled with numbers for which audio tour stop to call into. Audio tour information for Spring Hill Ranch is also included.

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