Gateway Maps

This page currently offers 31 free Gateway National Recreation Area maps for you to view or download: NPS brochure maps, fishing maps, regional maps, and more. In addition to the free Gateway maps, I include external affiliate links that help cover my costs and allow me to keep this site ad-free. These links have shaded backgrounds (like this example) so you can easily recognize or skip past them: Browse the best-selling Gateway maps and books on Amazon.

Gateway map from the park brochure

Gateway National Recreation Area mapHere is the official Gateway National Recreation Area map, showing the layout of the park: Jamaica Bay, Staten Island, and Sandy Hook. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Jamaica Bay maps of Gateway

Gateway Jamaica Bay mapThis detailed Jamaica Bay map comes from a wayside exhibit at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge between East and West Pond. It covers similar terrain to the map below, but in more realistic colors.

Jamaica Bay mapThis is a Jamaica Bay map showing an overall view of the entire Jamaica Bay unit of Gateway National Recreation Area. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Jamaica Bay wildlife refuge mapThis is the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge map, zoomed in on the refuge that includes East and West Pond and the nearby trails through the marshes and uplands in Brooklyn, NY.

Jamaica Bay West Pond trail mapHere’s a West Pond trail map, similar to the one directly above, but much better looking. It also includes Big John’s Pond and East Pond, as well as the garden trails (north, south, and east).

Floyd Bennett Field mapThe Floyd Bennett Field map shows the visitor areas and trails near the Ryan Visitor Center on Jamaica Bay. Click the image to view a full size map download the PDF.

Jamaica Bay kayaking mapThe Jamaica Bay kayaking map includes the various launch sites and shows estimated travel times to complete the various kayaking routes throughout the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.

Frank Charles Park fishing mapHere’s a Frank Charles Park fishing map that shows the areas that are open to fishing in this part of Gateway National Recreation Area in the northern part of Jamaica Bay.

Floyd Bennett Field fishing mapThis is a Floyd Bennett Field fishing map, showing the different areas along the beach that are open for public fishing – both the northwest and southeast corners (note that north is to the left).

Jacob Riis Park fishing mapThis Jacob Riis Park fishing map shows the public fishing areas located on both the Rockaway Inlet side and Atlantic Ocean side of Jacob Riis Park near the very popular beach.

Fort Tilden fishing mapThe Fort Tilden fishing map shows where fishing is allowed near Fort Tilden – in this case, only on the Rockaway Inlet side. The Atlantic Ocean side is closed to fishing.

Breezy Point fishing mapHere’s a Breezy Point fishing map, showing the areas at the end of the road on Rockaway Point that are open to public fishing. Basically, you’re good around the tip of the peninsula.

Jamaica Bay salt marsh change mapThe Jamaica Bay salt marsh change map demonstrates how sea level rise has contributed to the decline of salt marsh habitat in Gateway. (The marsh is likely to continue retreating.)

Staten Island maps of Gateway

Fort Wadsworth mapHere’s a Fort Wadsworth map that shows the visitor services and points of interest around Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island, under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge connecting Staten Island to Brooklyn.

Staten Island bicycle mapThe Staten Island bicycle map shows the various bike trails that connect Fort Wadsworth, Miller Field, and Great Kills. The maps below zoom in on each of these locations in greater detail.

Fort Wadsworth bicycle mapThis Fort Wadsworth bicycle map shows bike lanes and some suggested bike routes through the Fort Wadsworth area. It also labels some buildings and additional points of interest.

Miller Field Great Kills bicycle mapThe Miller Field and Great Kills bicycle map shows a few different options for bicycling throughout these areas. See the Fort Wadsworth bike map above for a key to the different colored routes.

Fort Wadsworth fishing mapHere’s a Fort Wadsworth fishing map, showing the fishing area open to the public just south of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge along USS North Carolina Road.

Miller Field fishing mapThe Miller Field fishing map shows the limited fishing areas open for public fishing near Miller Field on Staten Island. Parking for this area is labeled, as well as local access roads.

Great Kills fishing mapHere’s a Great Kills fishing map, showing the numerous areas open to fishing in Great Kills Park around Great Kills Harbor, at the southern end of the Staten Island unit of Gateway.

Sandy Hook maps of Gateway

Sandy Hook mapThis Sandy Hook map shows the overall view of this part of Gateway National Recreation Area. Click the image to view a full size map or download the PDF.

Sandy Hook trail mapHere’s a Sandy Hook trail map that includes both the South Beach Dune Trail as well as the Old Dune Trail through the various vegetation types — Holly Forest and Red Cedar.

Sandy Hook shuttle bus mapThe Sandy Hook shuttle bus map shows the shuttle stops as well as the weekend/weekday routes during Gateway’s busy summer season. Check with the park staff for current shuttle status.

Fort Hancock mapThis Fort Hancock map labels bike trails, footpaths, historic sites, parking areas, and the Sandy Hook Lighthouse. It’s a great one-stop-shop printable map for visiting Fort Hancock.

Fort Hancock walking tour mapThe Fort Hancock walking tour map labels the route of the walking tour in order – you can pick up the tour in any location and follow along to see the most important historic sites.

Sandy Hook historic buildings mapHere’s a Sandy Hook historic buildings map, labeling and identifying many historic structures not just in Fort Hancock but throughout the rest of Sandy Hook unit too.

Sandy Hook north fishing mapThis Sandy Hook North fishing map includes the publicly-accessible fishing areas on the northeastern tip of Sandy Hook. Also shown is the Fisherman’s Trail to access this location.

Sandy Hook beach fishing mapThe Sandy Hook beach fishing map shows a couple fishing areas located on the east side of Sandy Hook (the west side is mostly closed to fishing and often has nesting shore birds).

Sandy Hook south fishing mapThis Sandy Hook South fishing map shows the various beach areas that have public fishing in the south part of Sandy Hook. Note that the beaches are closed to fishing during swimming hours.

Gateway Dive Map

Fire Island dive mapThis is a Gateway and Fire Island dive map, showing the shipwrecks and dive sites at Fire Island and in Gateway National Recreation Area near Sandy Hook and Rockaway Beach.

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